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The Queen is very much a creature of habit;  every day, it has been reported, just before lunch, she likes a glass of gin mixed with a fortified wine called Dubonnet. Her garnish? A slice of lemon – with the pips removed. At lunchtime, she drinks wine, and in the evening, a glass or two of champagne. It’s been calculated that she sups a total of six units a day, which rather amusingly would make Her Majesty a binge drinker by government standards.

The Queen is said to enjoy a glass of gin and Dubonnet every day before lunch – a habit she allegedly picked up from her mother. Dubonnet is a kind of sweet, herbal fortified wine which, like tonic water, contains quinine. It was invented in by French chemist Joseph Dubonnet in 1846 and has a refreshing, fruity flavour with a touch of bitterness.

Royals are often seen sipping from glasses of champagne (Pol Roger or Moet & Chandon, both holders of a Royal warrant) or other fine wines in official occasions such as luncheons and state dinners but which are their truly favourite cocktails and drinks?

Prince Philip, a hearty man, prefers Boddington Beer, a Mancunian brand who ceased production earlier this year. He has also got a taste for wine and it’s rumored that he would write on the bottle label ‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’ to express his appreciation.

The Prince of Wales is definitely a whiskey connoisseur: not only he produces his own, called Barrogill (carefully prepared by Inver House Distillers) but he also likes Laphroaigh Single Malt. As for cocktails he would chose a 50:50 Martini: prepare your own by mixing equal amounts of gin and dry vermouth.

The Duchess of Cornwall favours a very traditional English cocktail, gin and tonic. Prepare yours following one of the suggested ratios of gin-to-tonic 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 or 2:3 as per desired strength; don’t forget to add ice and a wedge of lemon.

Prince Harry, with his reputation of lively partygoer and “life of the party” is said to have a preference for premium vodka Cîroc Ultra (made from grape) and for vodka Red bull.

So it seems the Royals know how to have a few drinks, and would most likely drink your family under the table.